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ZVEZDA 4833 1:48 Soviet fighter LaGG-3 (66 series)

Cod produs: 4600327048332

Marca: Zvezda


Pret: 100.04 Lei

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ZVEZDA 4833 1:48 Soviet fighter LaGG-3 (66 series)

The LaGG-3 of the 66th production series was the last aircraft with a liquid-cooled engine designed by Lavochkin Design Bureau. After making design changes, the maximum speed of the new modification was 591 km/h, that was 25 km/h more than the previous production. The fighter was fitted with one 20 mm cannon and one 12.7 mm machine gun. This version, the most advanced of all LaGG-3 series, was produced at the GAZ-31 plant in Tbilisi from May 1943 to June 1944, then production of LaGG-3 was definitely stopped.
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