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TAMIYA 14044 1:12 Yamaha Virago XV1000

Cod produs: 4950344992102

Marca: Tamiya


Pret: 114.00 Lei

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TAMIYA 14044 1:12 Yamaha Virago XV1000

Length: 187 mm. 

After researching the distinctive style of American motorcycles, Yamaha proudly released the XZ1000 Virago in 1984.
★Features of the Virago along with its teardrop shaped fuel tank and gorgeous double seat, now come accurately reproduced as a plastic assembly model kit. ★The 981cc V-Twin engine and its cooling fins have been precisely remodeled.
★In addition, included in the kit are approximately 60 metal plated pieces to depict parts such as the crank case, fender, and exhaust provide the model with an exquisite finish. ★Both the large diameter front tire and small diameter wide rear tire are depicted with solid rubber and feature a realistic tread pattern.
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