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Mr. Hobby T-108 Mr. Color Leveling Thinner 400 (400 ml)

Cod produs: 4973028515824

Marca: Mr.Hobby


Pret: 55.76 Lei

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Mr. Hobby T-108 Mr. Color Leveling Thinner 400 (400 ml)

Mr. LEVELING THINNER is excellent for spray (airbrush) applicators.
Mixing Mr. LEVELING THINNER into Mr. COLOR at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 improves coat leveling and increases shine. When drying is slow because of insufficient air current during winter months, it is best to mix Mr. COLOR THINNER into Mr. LEVELING THINNER.
The mixture will be dry to the touch after a period of about 10 minutes.
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