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Mr. Color GX GX-113 Super Clear III UV Cut Flat

Cod produs: 4973028631395

Marca: Mr.Hobby


Pret: 15.49 Lei

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Mr. Color GX GX-113 Super Clear III UV Cut Flat

GSI Creos Mr.Hobby Mr.Color GX
Color: Super Clear III UV Cut (GX-113)
Finish: Flat
Volume: 18ml

Mr.Color featuring quick drying and strong coating develops further. 
GSI Creos Mr.Hobby  have realized brighter color development, the hiding force of the surface color, and stronger coating. In the new product Mr.Color GX also, GSI Creos has realized high quality paint for the model without using "toluene” at all.
The UV cutting compound contained protects the work from sunburn or yellowing due to UV rays.
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