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Magic Factory 1002 Long March 5B HLV & Launch Platform 1:200

Cod produs: 4715830020

Marca: Magic Factory


Pret: 543.83 Lei

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Magic Factory 1002 Long March 5B HLV & Launch Platform 1:200
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Magic Factory 1002 Long March 5B HLV & Launch Platform 1:200

The Mobile Launch Platform of Long March 5 HLV is the biggest and most advanced one in China ever.The platform weights more than 2000 tons, applying unique twelve points leveling technology which is capable to level the rocket quickly and reliably to ensure success of launch missions. It incorporates a series of electronic and electrical testing devices that are able to accomplish abundant pre-launch testing in a short time,which need to be done by a lot separate equipment before instead and took a longer time.On the platform there is a tower, nicknamed umbilical tower, which is equipped with variant cables and fuel pipework connecting to the rocket and only disconnected a few second before launching.The mobile launch platform can highly improve the preparation efficiency and safety for the launch.It is a giant only a few countries can manufacture.
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