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Roden 818 Ford V8-G81A Funkwagen 1:35

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Roden 818 Ford V8-G81A Funkwagen 1:35
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Roden 818 Ford V8-G81A Funkwagen 1:35

Personenkraftwagen Ford V8 G81A - German passenger car built at a subsidiary of the American Ford concern in Germany in the second half of the 1930s, based on the Ford V8 car. Production lasted from 1938 to 1941, during which time they managed to manufacture more than 8,000 of this model. With the outbreak of World War II, many Ford V8 G81As were requisitioned from private owners and transferred to military units.
Cars of this type were used extensively during the Blitzkrieg, as European countries had an extensive network of good quality roads, but with the beginning of the Eastern campaign, they often proved unsuitable due to terrible off-road conditions and the complete lack of adequate roads in autumn and spring. In Germany, the Ford V8 G81A was used primarily as a police car until 1944. Also, a number of special models were developed from the basic Ford V8 G81A.
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