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Mr. Color GX GX-100 Super Clear III

Cod produs: 4973028335255

Marca: Mr.Hobby


Pret: 15.66 Lei

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Mr. Color GX GX-100 Super Clear III

Mr. Hobby/GSI Creos GX-100 Mr. Color GX (18 ml) Super Clear III (10ml)

GX Primary line, gloss finish

Mr.Color GX hobby paints improve on the qualities of Mr.Color hobby paint, and take them to the next level. They feature quick drying and a very hard coating when dry.

Mr.Color GX paints feature brighter color development, greater covering power and dry to a smoother and harder finish than regular Mr. Color hobby paints. These features have been realized without using the use of toluene.

Mr.Color GX paints can be mixed with standard Mr.Color paints currently on the market, and use Mr.Color Thinner, Mr.Rapid Thinner or Mr. Levelling Thinner for paint dilution or cleaning of paint brushes and airbrushes.

Size: 18ml
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