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Mistercraft D-221 L-29 Delfin 1:72

Cod produs: 9385204221

Marca: Mistercraft


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Mistercraft D-221 L-29 Delfin 1:72

The AERO L-29 Delfin aircraft is a Czechoslovakian training and training aircraft and a light attack aircraft produced in 1963-1974. The AERO L-29 was the first purely Czechoslovak jet equipped with a domestic engine. The first flight of the prototype (still with the British Bristol Siddeley Viper 5 engine) took place on April 5, 1953. In 1961. in comparative tests, it defeated the Polish TS-11 and the Soviet Yak-18 and became the standard training aircraft of the Warsaw Pact countries (except Poland). In the same year, mass production for the aviation of Czechoslovakia, the USSR, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Syria, Uganda, Nigeria and Indonesia began. A total of about 3,600 copies were built. In 1991 after the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya, probably as many as 143 planes of this type fell into the hands of the insurgents. They were all destroyed on the ground in 1994. during the First Chechen War by the Russian air force. The L-29 was produced primarily as a training aircraft in the L-29A version; the L-29R version is an armed attack training aircraft, adapted to attack and reconnaissance. Technical data: Top speed: 820 km / h; climb speed 14 m / s, maximum altitude 11000 m, maximum range: 894 km, armament: fixed - 2 machine guns, 7.62 mm caliber, suspended - up to 200 kg of bombs or rockets.
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