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Mistercraft D-214 P-36/H.75 Hawk 1:72

Cod produs: 9385204214

Marca: Mistercraft


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Mistercraft D-214 P-36/H.75 Hawk 1:72

The Curtiss P-36 Hawk is an American, single-engine low-wing fighter with a metal structure with a classic tail. The flight of the prototype took place on May 13, 1935, and serial production started three years later. The P-36 did not live up to the hopes placed in it by the USAAC and was definitely inferior to the performance of the P-39 or P-40. As a result, the planes were directed to training units and exported. The main recipient turned out to be France, which by June 1940 received nearly 300 machines of this type! In French service, the machine was called the Hawk 75. The planes that had not been delivered to France from the US or had escaped to Great Britain were seized by the RAF and served under the code name Mohawk. The P-36 also fought over Pearl Harbor and on the Eastern Front as an aircraft delivered to the USSR under the Lend and Tease Act. Technical data (P-36 version): length: 8.7m, wingspan: 11.4m, height: 2.6m, maximum speed: 486km / h, maximum range: 970km, practical ceiling: 10000m, armament: fixed - 2 7.5mm FN Browning machine guns

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