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MENG TS-017s German A7V Tank (Krupp) & Engine, Limited Edition 1:35

Cod produs: 5930366

Marca: MENG


Pret: 472.62 Lei

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MENG TS-017s German A7V Tank (Krupp) & Engine, Limited Edition 1:35

The A7V was the first German tank in the German army service during WWI. At the end of WWI, a limited number of A7Vs participated in the last strategic offensive of German army along the Western Front – the Spring Offensive (Kaiserschlacht). The A7Vs showed both advantages and disadvantages just like other new equipment in these battles: a single A7V destroyed and damaged five British tanks, while some A7Vs got stuck in sandpits and didn’t see further actions. The A7V No.542 was such an embarrassing example. The trapped tank was captured by the French after the battle. Later, it was sent back to Paris for exhibition.  

This TS-017s A7V Tank (Krupp) & Engine is MENG’s second A7V tank model kit. It includes two precision resin engines and two different paint schemes of the A7V No.542 tank at different times.
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