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CMK 100-SH72323 Fouga CM-175 Zéphyr 1/72 1:72

Cod produs: 7009323

Marca: CMK


Pret: 79.82 Lei

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CMK 100-SH72323 Fouga CM-175 Zéphyr 1/72 1:72

Fouga CM-175 Zephyr 

 The Fouga Magister was among the most wide-spread jet trainers of the World. However, its navalized version known as the Fouga Zéphyr was used only by the French Aéronavale. This version sported a strenghtened structure, naval equipment, different nose section and rear sliding canopies. Aboard French aircraft carriers and at the land bases it served successfully for long 35 years. The kit which comes in a box with a brilliant box-art of a Zephyr during a landing and it contains in total four plastic sprues and one sprue of clear parts. The decals offer an early machine and three with the later type of marking of the Aeronavale.

The Fouga CM.175 Zéphyr is a French back-wing training aircraft from the post-war era. The plane was flown in 1956 and entered the line three years later - in 1959. About 30 machines of this type were created in the course of production. The propulsion was provided by two Turbomeca Marbore IIA turbojet engines with a thrust of 3.92 kN each. The length of the aircraft was 10.06 meters with a wingspan of 12.15 meters. The deck armament consisted of two 7.5 mm machine guns. The plane could carry weapons with a total weight of up to 100 kilograms on two under-wing pylons. The CM.175 Zéphyr (original designation: CM-170M) was developed by the Fouga aviation plant as a development of another machine produced by this company - the CM.170 Magister machines. The new plane was constructed for the needs of the French Marine Nationale as a training machine for basic training. Compared to CM.170, it differed primarily in the reinforced structure of the hull and undercarriage, having a brake hook, and a slightly modified nose of the hull. Interestingly, CM.175 did not have ejected seats. Aircraft of this type served only in the French Navy and were withdrawn from them in 1994.
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